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My Titanic Story

BEING WORKED ON! THIS WILL NOT BE ALL JACK!! BE PATIENT! For now it is nothing but Jack pics, and as I am gonna be gone all week, next weekend things will be starting to be different!

This'll be a ton of pics, and not just Jack, because I am changing Jack and Rose Pics and Rose pics into.....TA-DA!! Behind the Scenes Pics!!!
Get my music!

Jack and Fabrizio playing poker

Jack and Fabrizio trying to find their room

Jack enjoying the scenery

Jack seeing Rose

Jack looking at Rose

"I'm the king of the wooooooorld!!!"

Jack looking at the stars

A deleted scene

Jack talking to Rose

Jack waiting for Rose

Jack about to toast

Jack doing some fancy footwork

Jack is HAPPY!

Rose was mean to Jack

Jack thinking

Jack sees Rose

Jack talking to Rose

Jack about to draw

Jack's beautiful eyes

Jack is not a thief!

Jack standing on the poop deck

Jack running

Jack likes the dolphins

Jack helping a girl draw

Jack is HAPPY

Jack sees Rose

Jack in a tux

Hoity-toity first class losers hate Jack(except for Rose)

Jack is so handsome....